Good Afternoon APWPS Families,

I want to thank you for all your patience and support as we navigated through the end of this school year. I  need to thank all of our teachers who worked so hard after being thrown into this new virtual environment.

 I also want to thank the Parents Group Leaders, Jody Staples, Christina Nicolosi , Copley Read and Lauren Spear who all helped to make this school so special from bulb planting, to grandparents days and all the classroom activities in between.

This new way of learning brought many challenges for all of us from technology issues, disruption to routine, facing fear and anxiety to managing our families both old and young.  

However we managed to pull through as a strong community and even experienced a wonderful car pool graduation. I just want you all to know that the staff and I are so grateful to have had the opportunity to work with your children.  

I pray that the world heals and that someday soon in the near future we will all be able to give hugs and high fives! Blessings to you all for a healthy summer.  

Stay strong in body, mind and spirit!  Blessings,  Michelle